Year 2 2024 - 2025


Welcome to Year 2

As your child enters into their final year as part of Key Stage 1, we aim to support them as best we can on their journey to become truly independent learners and workers.  Our yearly curriculum is packed full of exciting opportunities, read more about this below:


Mrs Buckley


General Timetable

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Early Bird Activities Early Bird Activities Early Bird Activities Early Bird Activities Early Bird Activities
Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship
Phonics Phonics Phonics Phonics Phonics
English English English English English
Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics
Group guided reading Group guided reading Group guided reading Group guided reading Group guided reading
Humanities RE Science Art/ DT PE
Music PSHE Science Art / DT ICT


Teachers communicate with staff using Seesaw and when your child joins the class a parent invite will be given to open this line of communication.



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Hale CEPrimary School

Contact Us

Hesketh Road, Hale, Liverpool L24 4AN


Suzanne Mullarkey | School Office Manager

0151 425 3023


Yvonne Buckley


Mrs Emma Fenton