Farmer Ted's - Reception and Year 1

Start: 21st May 2025 9:15am

Duration: 6 hours

Reception and Year 1 will be going on a school visit to Farmer Teds on the 21st May 2025. 

We will be traveling to Farmer Teds by coach. The cost of the field trip is £20 per person. We will be departing school at 9.15 a.m. and returning to school at 2.50 p.m.


If your child has a packed lunch please make sure it fits inside their bag. Alternatively if your child has a school meal please select a sandwich on this day and the kitchen will prepare a packed lunch for your child to take with them.


Please dress your child appropriately with comfortable shoes for walking. All children must have a bag that they can carry, a drink, a coat and sun cream (depending on the weather). The children do not require any spending money as there will not be time for them to go to the gift shop or café.


Please contact your child’s teacher with any questions you may have and give your permission for your child to attend this visit via school spider.


We hope the children will have a wonderful day learning all about the animals on the farm.

Kind Regards


Mrs Ford Mrs Young and Mrs Herd


Hale CEPrimary School

Contact Us

Hesketh Road, Hale, Liverpool L24 4AN


Suzanne Mullarkey | School Office Manager

0151 425 3023


Yvonne Buckley


Mrs Emma Fenton